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Advanced Practice In Oncology Nursing Case Studies And Review at Meripustak

Advanced Practice In Oncology Nursing Case Studies And Review by Ons and Esther M Lin , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Ons and Esther M Lin
    Publish YearMay 2001


    ELSEVIER Advanced Practice In Oncology Nursing Case Studies And Review by Ons and Esther M Lin

    Oncology Nursing is a growing area and many nurses are becoming more advanced in the quality of nursing care in relation to oncology. As their expertise in advanced practice grow so does their search for more knowledge and problem-based examples. This series is problem-based in approach and comprises several carefully constructed case studies. These examples help the reader apply the core knowledge of oncology nursing in ways appropriate to advanced practice. An essential text for all working within oncology nursing in relation to advanced practice.

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