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Advances In Dermatological Sciences at Meripustak

Advances In Dermatological Sciences by Chilcott, Rsc Publishing

Books from same Author: Chilcott

Books from same Publisher: Rsc Publishing

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  • General Information  
    PublisherRsc Publishing
    Publish YearOctober 2013


    Rsc Publishing Advances In Dermatological Sciences by Chilcott

    Advances in Dermatological Sciences collates major scientific research achievements over the last two years in a diverse range of dermatological research fields. Examples of key topics covered include experimental models, toxicology, regulatory, exposure assessment, therapeutics, cosmetics and decontamination. A unique feature of the book is the introductory chapter to each section that is written by an internationally-recognised expert summarising work to date, and explaining how new research contributes to our overall understanding of the skin and where the next major developments are likely to be focussed in the future. Each section contains several experimental research chapters that present contemporary research on 'hot topics' or major advances relevant to the dermatological sciences. The book incorporates a broad range of specialist topics rather than focussing on one single aspect so as to appeal to a broader audience. Thus, the proposed book will distil cutting-edge advances across all of the dermatological sciences into one major work and so provide a one-stop portal for accessing the current state of knowledge that will communicate both a readily accessible overview (in the form of introductory chapters) and also detailed, expert contributions. The text will be essential reading for interdisciplinary scientists working in dermal pharmacology, dermatological and dermatotoxicological sciences.

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