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Analytical Methods in Chemical Analysis at Meripustak

Analytical Methods in Chemical Analysis by Kumar And Banty / Kaushik And Shi, De Gruyter

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Books from same Publisher: De Gruyter

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Kumar And Banty / Kaushik And Shi
    PublisherDe Gruyter
    Publish YearJuly 2023


    De Gruyter Analytical Methods in Chemical Analysis by Kumar And Banty / Kaushik And Shi

    Analytical Chemistry is important and applied, experimental field of science that employs different instruments, and methods for the collection, separation, identification, and quantification of various organic, inorganic, and biological molecules. This interdisciplinary branch is based not only on chemistry but also on other disciplines such as biology, physics, pharmaceutical, and many areas of technology. The book is organized into six sections and provides information pertinent to the important techniques, and methods employed in analytical chemistry. It covers the basic concepts of qualitative and quantitative analysis, spectrochemical methods of analysis, along with thermal- and electroanalytical methods. Qualitative analysis identifies analytes, while quantitative analysis determines the concentration or numerical amount of the molecules under study. This book also exposes students to the different laws of spectroscopy, and various electronic transitions that occur in the different regions of the electromagnetic spectra. The main objective of this work is to develop an understanding and make learners familiar with the basic analytical methods employed in the chemical analysis of various compounds.

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