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Anatomic Physiologic And Therapeutic Principles Of Surgical Diseases A Comprehensive High Yield Review (Pb 2023) at Meripustak

Anatomic Physiologic And Therapeutic Principles Of Surgical Diseases A Comprehensive High Yield Review (Pb 2023) by Shishir Kumar Maithel, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Shishir Kumar Maithel
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearJuly 2023


    Springer Anatomic Physiologic And Therapeutic Principles Of Surgical Diseases A Comprehensive High Yield Review (Pb 2023) by Shishir Kumar Maithel

    Comprehensive and high-yield, this text is a digestible resource for the major anatomic, physiologic, and therapeutic principles of surgical diseases. Rather than focus on clinical presentation and pre-operative management, it presents sensible algorithmic approaches to treatment for each pathology, with particular attention to operative options. This allows the reader to develop a large armamentarium of surgical options to safely treat surgical problems and aid in the decision-making process in an organized fashion, with critical steps and techniques of specific operations included in each chapter.Importantly, this book provides a concise list of steps for common surgical operations, namely those frequently encountered during the Certifying Oral Board exam after completing residency, which is uncommon in the currently available study material. Chapters also include suggested readings and summaries of pivotal studies on the specific topics, serving as an easy reference for the content provided. The topics covered begin with pre-operative evaluation and anesthesiology, then proceed anatomically across all relevant body systems and organs, as well as trauma, transplantation, pediatric surgery, and much more.Written with senior-level general surgery residents preparing for the qualifying (written) and certifying (oral) board examinations clearly in mind, it will also be valuable to all levels of trainees preparing for the annual American Board of Surgery In-service Training Exam (ABSITE) as well as medical students with an interest in surgical training and trainees in their fellowship after completing residency.

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