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Animalcules The Activities, Impacts, And Investigators Of Microbes at Meripustak

Animalcules The Activities, Impacts, And Investigators Of Microbes by Bernard Dixon , American Society For Microbiology

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Books from same Publisher: American Society For Microbiology

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Bernard Dixon
    PublisherAmerican Society For Microbiology
    Publish YearDecember 2008


    American Society For Microbiology Animalcules The Activities, Impacts, And Investigators Of Microbes by Bernard Dixon

    An entertaining and informative overview on microbiology and its heroes, dissenters, and discoveries. Presents the field of microbiology in its widest context. Brings a historical perspective to the field: its heroes, dissenters, and discoveries. Profiles the first microbiologists and speculates about those of the future. Offers insight into the pivotal role of microbes at the center of terrestrial life. Details the unexpected influences of microorganisms on humans.

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