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Applications of Optimization and Machine Learning in Image Processing and IoT at Meripustak

Applications of Optimization and Machine Learning in Image Processing and IoT by Gupta Nidhi, T&F/Crc Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Gupta Nidhi
    PublisherT&F/Crc Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearSeptember 2023


    T&F/Crc Press Applications of Optimization and Machine Learning in Image Processing and IoT by Gupta Nidhi

    This book presents state-of-the-art optimization algorithms followed by Internet of Things (IoT) fundamentals. The applications of machine learning and IoT are explored, with topics including optimization, algorithms and machine learning in image processing and IoT.Applications of Optimization and Machine Learning in Image Processing and IoT is a complete reference source, providing the latest research findings and solutions for optimization and machine learning algorithms. The chapters examine and discuss the fields of machine learning, IoT and image processing.KEY FEATURES:• Includes fundamental concepts towards advanced applications in machine learning and IoT.• Discusses potential and challenges of machine learning for IoT and optimization• Reviews recent advancements in diverse researches on computer vision, networking and optimization field.• Presents latest technologies such as machine learning in image processing and IoTThis book has been written for readers in academia, engineering, IT specialists, researchers, industrial professionals and students, and is a great reference for those just starting out in the field as well as those at an advanced level.

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