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Applied Nanotechnology The Conversion Of Research Results To Products at Meripustak

Applied Nanotechnology The Conversion Of Research Results To Products by Jeremy Ramsden , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Jeremy Ramsden
    Publish YearOctober 2009


    ELSEVIER Applied Nanotechnology The Conversion Of Research Results To Products by Jeremy Ramsden

    Applied Nanotechnology: The Conversion of Research Results to Products examines the commercial and social aspects of nanotechnology. The book is organized into four parts. Part 1 presents an overview of nanotechnology. It discusses the definition of nanotechnology; the relationship between wealth, technology, and science; the relationship between nanotechnology and innovation; and the question of why one might wish to introduce nanotechnology. Part 2 explains the nanotechnology business and the applications of nanotechnology in a wide range of industries, including engineering, aerospace, automotive, food, textiles, information technologies, and health. Part 3 deals with specific commercial and financial aspects. These include business models for nanotechnology enterprises, demand assessment for nanotechnology products, and the design of nanotechnology products. Part 4 looks at the future of nanotechnology. It examines how nanotechnology can contribute to the big challenges faced by humanity, such as climate change and terrorism. Ethical issues are also considered, including risk, uncertainty, and regulation.

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