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Arthritis In Color Advanced Imaging Of Arthritis at Meripustak

Arthritis In Color Advanced Imaging Of Arthritis by Timothy J Mosher and Gary E Gold and Michael A Bruno , Elsevier

Books from same Author: Timothy J Mosher and Gary E Gold and Michael A Bruno

Books from same Publisher: Elsevier

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Timothy J Mosher and Gary E Gold and Michael A Bruno
    Publish YearMay 2009


    Elsevier Arthritis In Color Advanced Imaging Of Arthritis by Timothy J Mosher and Gary E Gold and Michael A Bruno

    "Arthritis in Color" helps you understand the recent advances in the use of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis. Written by three authorities in the field-Michael A. Bruno, MD; Gary E. Gold, MD; and Timothy J. Mosher, MD - and including more than 600 images, 300 in full color, this book gives you access to the current understanding and future directions in this dynamic field. With coverage of everything from the basic to the advanced, you'll have the guidance you need to make the most accurate diagnoses.

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