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Arts and Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives at Meripustak

Arts and Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Mateus-Berr And Ruth / Gruber And L Vanessa, De Gruyter

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Books from same Publisher: De Gruyter

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Mateus-Berr And Ruth / Gruber And L Vanessa
    PublisherDe Gruyter
    Publish YearNovember 2020


    De Gruyter Arts and Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Mateus-Berr And Ruth / Gruber And L Vanessa

    Dementia is a term that encompasses a wide range of symptoms. In Europe alone about 10 million people live with dementia. Where health policy and medical approaches reach their limits, art and design strategies can open up new perspectives for people living with dementia – in terms of their abilities and circumstances and their social environment. This interdisciplinary handbook is aimed at people working and researching in the field of dementia. It offers insights into the possibilities and limitations of artistic and art-related interventions in relation to dementia. This publication brings together contributions from the disciplines of design, architecture, and art, music, and museum education, providing a variety of insights into this multifaceted syndrome.

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