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Basic Orthopaedic Sciences The Stanmore Guide 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Basic Orthopaedic Sciences The Stanmore Guide 2Nd Edition by RAMACHANDRAN M, Taylor and Francis

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2017


    Taylor and Francis Basic Orthopaedic Sciences The Stanmore Guide 2Nd Edition by RAMACHANDRAN M

    Following on from the highly successful first edition, published in 2006, the second edition of Basic Orthopaedic Sciences has been fully updated and revised, with every chapter rewritten to reflect the latest research and practice. The book encompasses all aspects of musculoskeletal basic sciences that are relevant to the practice of orthopaedics and that are featured and assessed in higher specialty exams. While its emphasis is on revision, the book contains enough information to serve as a concise textbook, making it an invaluable guide for all trainees in orthopaedics and trauma preparing for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) as well as for surgeons at MRCS level, and other clinicians seeking an authoritative guide. The book helps the reader understand the science that underpins the clinical practice of orthopaedics, an often neglected area in orthopaedic training, achieving a balance between readability and comprehensive detail. Topics covered include biomechanics, biomaterials, cell & microbiology, histology, structure & function, immunology, pharmacology, statistics, physics of imaging techniques, and kinesiology.

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