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Biopesticides at Meripustak

Biopesticides by Bailey, Cabi Publishing

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Books from same Publisher: Cabi Publishing

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  • General Information  
    PublisherCabi Publishing
    Publish YearNovember 2012


    Cabi Publishing Biopesticides by Bailey

    This title is reprinted in paperback. Biological controls that utilize natural predation, parasitism or other natural mechanisms, is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticide methods are becoming less readily available due to increasing resistance problems and the prohibition of some substances. This book addresses the challenges of insufficient information and imperfectly understood regulatory processes in using biopesticides. It takes an interdisciplinary approach providing internationally comparative analyses on the registration of biopesticides and debates future biopesticide practices. It is suitable for researchers, students and professionals in political and biological sciences.

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