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Blockchain-Enabled Resilience 1st Edition 2023 Hardbound at Meripustak

Blockchain-Enabled Resilience 1st Edition 2023 Hardbound by Katina, Polinpapilinho F., CRC Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Katina, Polinpapilinho F.
    PublisherCRC Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearFebruary 2023


    CRC Press Blockchain-Enabled Resilience 1st Edition 2023 Hardbound by Katina, Polinpapilinho F.

    This book provides a first-of-its-kind approach for using blockchain to enhance resilience in disaster supply chain and logistics management, especially when dealing with dynamic communication, relief operations, prioritization, coordination, and distribution of scarce resources - these are elements of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) describing a dynamic environment that now form the "new norm" for many leaders.Blockchain-Enabled Resilience: An Integrated Approach for Disaster Supply Chain and Logistics Management analyzes the application of blockchain technology used to enable resilience in a disaster supply chain network. It discusses IoT and DVFS algorithms for developing a network-based simulation and presents advancements in disaster supply chain strategies using smart contacts for collaborations. The book covers how success is based on collaboration, coordination, sovereignty, and equality in distributing resources and offers a theoretical analysis that reveals that enhancing resilience can improve collaboration and communication and can result in more time-efficient processing for disaster supply management.The book offers a first-of-its-kind approach for managers and policy-makers as well as researchers interested in using blockchain to enhance resilience in disaster supply chains, especially when dealing with dynamic communication, relief operations, prioritization, coordination, and distribution of scarce resources. Practical guidance is provided for managers interested in implementation. A robust research agenda is also provided for those interested in expanding present research.

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