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Borderlnd Of Epilepsy Revisited at Meripustak

Borderlnd Of Epilepsy Revisited by Reuber M, Oxford

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Books from same Publisher: Oxford

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Reuber M
    Publish YearNovember 2012


    Oxford Borderlnd Of Epilepsy Revisited by Reuber M

    Just over a century after the publication of Sir William Gowers' famous last book, The Border-land of Epilepsy, Faints, Vagal Attacks, Vertigo, Migraine, Sleep Symptoms, and their Treatment, this book returns to the "borderland of epilepsy - near it, but not of it", i.e. to disorders which may be mistaken for epilepsy or which are associated with epilepsy and can develop into or out of epileptic seizures. Internationally recognized experts, provide up-to-date knowledge in all areas covered in Gowers' original publication and also in those borderlands redefined since - including anxiety or hyperventilation attacks, psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, epileptic and nonepileptic encephalopathies, autism, autoimmune encephalopathies, Tourette's Syndrome, transient ischemic attacks, transient global amnesia, myoclonus, alcohol-related seizures, hyperekplexia and dyskinesia, stereotypical behaviors, organic personality disorder and episodic dyscontrol syndrome. The Borderland of Epilepsy Revisited addresses conditions presenting in children, adolescents and adults. Case reports and tables (especially those which address the differential diagnosis of epilepsy and the disorders discussed) make the book accessible and clinically useful.

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