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Building Integrated Solar Energy Systems at Meripustak

Building Integrated Solar Energy Systems by PARKIN R E, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: PARKIN R E

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)PARKIN R E
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearDecember 2016


    Taylor and Francis Building Integrated Solar Energy Systems by PARKIN R E

    This book presents techniques for building and optimizing structures with integrated solar energy systems. It describes active solar systems such as photovoltaics and parabolic concentrators as well as passive solar systems and covers optimal materials to use, daylighting, shading, solar blinds, rock and water energy storage and more. It discusses the best ways to site a solar structure considering exposure, elevation, slope, clearance, wind protection, etc. The book includes numerous full-color figures and more than 100 MATLAB® files. Key Features • Presents techniques for building and optimizing structures with local solar energy systems • Describes active solar systems such as photovoltaics and parabolic concentrators as well as passive solar systems and covers such things as optimal materials to use, daylighting, shading, solar blinds, rock and water energy storage and more • Provides more than 100 MATLAB® files on website for further modeling and analysis • Explains how solar energy is attenuated through the atmosphere, including dimming, scattering, clouds, air temperature, etc., and how to model for it • Discusses the best ways to site a solar structure considering exposure, elevation, slope, clearance, wind protection and more Table of Contents Energy Sources, Energy Uses and Global Warming. The Internal Environment of a Residence. Heat Losses from a Residence. The Seasons and Solar Angles. Solar Energy and its Attenuation Through the Atmosphere. Transmission of Light Through Glazing. Climate and Siting of a Solar Structure. Solar Structures, From Early to Modern. Passive Solar Collection. Non-Concentrating, Active Solar Collectors. Parabolic Trough Concentrators. High Concentration Solar Thermal Systems. Generation from Photovoltaic Panels. Architectural Considerations for Capturing Solar Energy. Structural Design Requirements in a North American Home. Methods of Energy Storage. Appendix A. Appendix B. Index.

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