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Building Type Basics For College And University Facilities 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Building Type Basics For College And University Facilities 2Nd Edition by Neuman D J , John Wiley

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Books from same Publisher: John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Neuman D J
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Publish YearJuly 2013


    John Wiley Building Type Basics For College And University Facilities 2Nd Edition by Neuman D J

    Written by an expert who is the architect of the University of Virginia, Building Type Basics for College and University Facilities provides an updated essential guide to the design of college and university buildings. Featuring contributions from notable architecture and design expects, this second edition includes a number of new examples of college and university buildings completed this century as well as significant new content, including information on sustainability, preservation, technology, and the influence of interdepartmental collaboration on the built environment.

    Key Features:-

    • Numerous photographs, diagrams, plans, and sections
    • Updated project examples, including several buildings completed in the last decade
    • Up–to–date coverage of sustainability and technology issues
    • A new chapter on historic preservation, rehabilitation, and adaptive use of existing buildings
    • New material on the influence of interdepartmental collaboration and renewed communication on the bu

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