CENGAGE Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology International Edition 5Th Edition by TERRY DES JARDINS
This innovative, best-selling book provides the most complete and accurate information about the structure and function of the respiratory system. The relevance to respiratory care practice clearly sets this resource apart, with clinical scenarios to challenge your application of principles and formulas as well as numerous illustrations of common pathological conditions such as cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. Section I: THE CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System. Ventilation. The Diffusion of Pulmonary Gases. Pulmonary Function Measurements. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Circulatory System. Oxygen Transport. Carbon Dioxide Transport and Acid-Base Balance. Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships. Control of Ventilation. Fetal Development and the Cardiopulmonary System. Aging and The Cardiopulmonary System. Section II: ADVANCED CARDIOPULMONARY ESSENTIALS. Electrophysiology of the Heart and Its Application to Electrocardiography (ECG). ECG Recording, Wave Forms, and Measurements. Common Cardiac Arrhythmias. Hemodynamic Monitoring. Renal Failure and Its Effects on the Cardiopulmonary System. Section III: THE CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM DURING UNUSUAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. Sleep Physiology and its relation to the Cardiopulmonary System. Exercise and Its Effects on the Cardiopulmonary System. High Altitude and Its Effects on the Cardiopulmonary System. High-Pressure Environmentals and Their Effects on the Cardiopulmonary System. APPENDICES I: Symbols and Abbreviations Commonly Used in Respiratory Physiology. APPENDICES II: Units of Measurement. APPENDICES III: Poiseuille's Law. APPENDICES IV: Dubois Body Surface Chart. APPENDICES V: Cardiopulmonary Profile. APPENDICES VI: PCO2/HCO3-/pH Nomogram. APPENDICES VII: Answers to Self-Assessment Questions.