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Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnostic Pathology (Hb 2023) at Meripustak

Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnostic Pathology (Hb 2023) by Lacruz C R , Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lacruz C R
    Publish YearFebruary 2024


    Springer Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnostic Pathology (Hb 2023) by Lacruz C R

    Covering all aspects of CNS tumors pathology, this book provides complete information on tumors of the brain and its coverings, sellar region, pineal region, and cranial and paraspinal nerves according to 2021 WHO classification, 5th edition, including new entities, as well as benign cysts and nonneoplastic disorders that are potentially misinterpreted as neoplasms. Throughout the book, emphasis has been placed on histopathologic characteristics and differential diagnosis, which are summarized in tables to make the explanation of certain topics clearer.This valuable text also includes the most recent clinical, pathological, histological, cytological, and molecular knowledge in the field, enabling pathologists to arrive at the correct diagnosis and prepare actionable, useful reports. Since pathology is one of the most visually oriented medical specialties, the myriad of annotated images throughout has been evaluated carefully and include neuroimaging studies, histology, cytology, and immunohistochemical stains that support a morphologic discussion in which differential diagnosis and potential pitfalls are emphasized.Central Nervous System Tumors: Diagnostic Pathology provides a comprehensive guide of the current critical information needed to recognize, understand, and interpret this demanding field of surgical neuropathology. It is designed with the needs of practicing surgical pathologists, pathologists-in training, and clinicians in mind.

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