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Chemical Processes For Pollution Prevention And Control at Meripustak

Chemical Processes For Pollution Prevention And Control by BERTHOUEX P M, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: BERTHOUEX P M

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)BERTHOUEX P M
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearNovember 2017


    Taylor and Francis Chemical Processes For Pollution Prevention And Control by BERTHOUEX P M

    This book examines how chemistry, chemical processes, and transformations are used for pollution prevention and control. Pollution prevention reduces or eliminates pollution at the source, whereas pollution control involves destroying, reducing, or managing pollutants that cannot be eliminated at the source. Applications of environmental chemistry are further illustrated by nearly 150 figures, numerous example calculations, and several case studies designed to develop analytical and problem solving skills. The book presents a variety of practical applications and is unique in its integration of pollution prevention and control, as well as air, water, and solid waste management.

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