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Clinical Companion In Nephrology at Meripustak

Clinical Companion In Nephrology by Mark Findlay and Christopher Isles, Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Mark Findlay and Christopher Isles
    Publish YearMay 2015


    Springer Clinical Companion In Nephrology by Mark Findlay and Christopher Isles

    ​This educational book teaches the reader on how best to discuss and manage acute and chronic presentations of renal diseases. Nephrology Study Guide: Tubules to Transplants is an invaluable resource for junior doctors, medical students and renal nurses who encounter renal patients in their daily practice. Allowing for concise reading on specific topics this book acts as both a quick reference text and study guide. The layout has been designed in a question & answer format in order to promote self-directed learning.

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