JOHN WILEY Clinical Interviewing 6Th Edition by John Sommers Flanagan
Fully updated guide to proven, practical strategies for conducting effective interviews – including access code to online videos
Clinical Interviewing is the essential guide to conducting initial interviews, suicide assessment, mental status examinations, and psychotherapy skill development. The Sixth Edition includes:
Updates focusing on latest trends in clinical interviewing research and practice
Updated information on technology-based interviewing
Access to over 70 videos that show the authors discussing and demonstrating crucial interviewing techniques
Online instructor’s manual and resources to facilitate teaching
Fresh case examples to help apply interviewing skills and concepts
New coverage of special populations and multicultural considerations
Expanded skills coverage to help facilitate client insight and action
This new edition also includes a Registration Access Card with a unique one-time code to access the Wiley Interactive E-Text (Powered by VitalSource), enhanced with dynamic content, including instructional videos and practice questions to further enrich student learning. It provides uninterrupted, mobile access anywhere, anytime.
JOHN SOMMERS-FLANAGAN, PHD, is a clinical psychologist and professor of counselor education at the University of Montana. He is a long-time member of both the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Psychological Association (APA).
RITA SOMMERS-FLANAGAN, PHD, is professor emeritus at the University of Montana. As a clinical psychologist, she has worked with youth, families, couples, and women for many years.