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Construction and Design Manual Drawing for Landscape Architects 2 at Meripustak

Construction and Design Manual Drawing for Landscape Architects 2 by Sabrina Wilk, Dom Publishers

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Sabrina Wilk
    PublisherDom Publishers
    Publish YearAugust 2022


    Dom Publishers Construction and Design Manual Drawing for Landscape Architects 2 by Sabrina Wilk

    In recent years, perspective views have swept into theforeground in the field of landscape architecture. They have become theshowpiece of any new design project, frequently overshadowing the plan as theprincipal graphic mediator of ideas. Perspectives communicate planned spacesunlike any other orthographic architectural projections, easily connecting withhuman modes of vision and perception. Yet we have become so accustomed toseeing them that we no longer examine their underlying messages.This manual examines the history of thesemultifaceted images and their power to shape our expectations and thinking.Moving chronologically from the Renaissance to the present day, the book chartstheir evolution and dissects the motives behind their construction. It alsoprovides clear practical guidance on how to compose persuasive images fordiverse audiences.Presented in this book are numeroushistorical and contemporary examples, underscoring the perspective's continuingimportance in professional practice.Key thematic areas include:Introduction to terminology: Basics andprinciplesConstructing and composing perspectivesTransmitting messages: The landscape asa medium for ideasEnduring themes of beauty, the sublime,and aweThe future ofperspective viewsshow more

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