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Creating Experience Value In Tourism 2nd Edition by Nina K Prebensen, CABI

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Books from same Publisher: CABI

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Nina K Prebensen
    Publish YearJanuary 2022


    CABI Creating Experience Value In Tourism 2nd Edition by Nina K Prebensen

    Research delivers a multitude of approaches to value creation, represented here as a set of definitions, perspectives and interpretations of how tourists, as customers, create value alone and with others. Now updated throughout, Creating Experience Value in Tourism, 2nd Edition provides a clarification of these approaches as well as a practical translation as to how they can work within industry. Including a framework to distinguish among key resources or antecedents of customer value, this new edition: - Introduces the concept of co-creation of value in the tourist experience, looking at the definitions, structures and models available; - Provides a new chapter addressing value creation and resource configuration; - Considers consumer behaviour and factors affecting value creation from both physiological and psychological perspectives; - Introduces a new full colour internal design to aid understanding. Concluding with a summary of the areas for future research, this is a key resource for researchers, particularly those interested in experience value and co-creation, as well as a useful read for students of tourism and related industries.show more

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