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Crop Physiology Applications For Genetic Improvement And Agronomy at Meripustak

Crop Physiology Applications For Genetic Improvement And Agronomy by Victor O Sadras and Daniel Calderini , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Victor O Sadras and Daniel Calderini
    Publish YearMay 2009


    ELSEVIER Crop Physiology Applications For Genetic Improvement And Agronomy by Victor O Sadras and Daniel Calderini

    Never before has a holistic approach to sustainable agriculture and plant physiology been presented in one source. This book compiles a multi-authored and international perspective on the ways in which crop physiology could be integrated with other disciplines. With a focus on genetic improvement and agronomy, this book addresses the challenges of environmentally sound production of bulk and quality food, fodder, fiber and energy, which are of ongoing international concern.

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