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Cryptographic Boolean Functions And Applications at Meripustak

Cryptographic Boolean Functions And Applications by Pantelimon Stanica and Thomas W Cusick , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Pantelimon Stanica and Thomas W Cusick
    Publish YearApril 2009


    ELSEVIER Cryptographic Boolean Functions And Applications by Pantelimon Stanica and Thomas W Cusick

    Boolean functions are the building blocks of symmetric cryptographic systems. Symmetrical cryptographic algorithms are fundamental tools in the design of all types of digital security systems (i.e. communications, financial and e-commerce). Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications is a concise reference that shows how Boolean functions are used in cryptography. Currently, practitioners who need to apply Boolean functions in the design of cryptographic algorithms and protocols need to patch together needed information from a variety of resources (books, journal articles and other sources). This book compiles the key essential information in one easy to use, step-by-step reference. Beginning with the basics of the necessary theory the book goes on to examine more technical topics, some of which are at the frontier of current research.

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