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Dams And Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Dams And Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures 2Nd Edition by Tanchey, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: Tanchey

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearMarch 2014


    Taylor and Francis Dams And Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures 2Nd Edition by Tanchey

    Dams and Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures, now in its second edition, provides a comprehensive and complete overview of all kinds of dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures throughout the world. Subjects treated are general questions, design, construction, surveillance, maintenance and reconstruction of various embankment and concrete dams, hydromechanical equipment, spillway structures, bottom outlets, special hydraulic structures, composition of structures in river hydraulic schemes, reservoirs, environmental effects of river hydraulic schemes and reservoirs and environmental protection. Special attention is paid to advanced methods of static and dynamic analysis of embankment dams. The wealth of experience gained by the author over the course of 35 years of research and practice is incorporated in this richly-illustrated, fully revised, updated and expanded edition. For the original Macedonian edition of Dams and Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures, Ljubomir Tanchev was awarded the Goce Delchev Prize, the highest state prize for achievements in science in the Republic of Macedonia.

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