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Designing Mobile Robot Interfaces with 16-bit Microchip Microcontrollers at Meripustak

Designing Mobile Robot Interfaces with 16-bit Microchip Microcontrollers by Bindal Ahmet, Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Bindal Ahmet
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2023


    Springer Designing Mobile Robot Interfaces with 16-bit Microchip Microcontrollers by Bindal Ahmet

    This textbook provides semester-length coverage of the basics of embedded programming to develop robotics-related projects. The author avoids the typical, theoretical approach of teaching students to develop embedded software using formal methods, in order to emphasize practical and fun projects. Every project detail is explained, including the overall system architecture, working principles of each peripheral device, program development to integrate each peripheral to the system, how to configure the processor, functionality check, operating system, and even developing front-end electronics for some sensors which do not have digital interface.

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