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Dewits Fundamental Concepts And Skills For Nursing 5Th Ediiton at Meripustak

Dewits Fundamental Concepts And Skills For Nursing 5Th Ediiton by Patricia A Williams , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Patricia A Williams
    Edition5Th Edition
    Publish YearFebruary 2017


    ELSEVIER Dewits Fundamental Concepts And Skills For Nursing 5Th Ediiton by Patricia A Williams

    Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 5th Edition provides all the basic theoretical and applied knowledge that the LPN/LVN nurse needs to practice in an expanded number of care settings, such as the community clinic, physician's office, long-term care facility, home, and acute-care hospital setting. With an extensive art program and thorough discussion of QSEN, this text addresses topics like the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient, critical thinking for problem solving and clinical judgment, and communication - all within a strong nursing process framework. The accessible, friendly, and clear writing style appeals to students and instructors, and its rich ancillary package, including NCLEX-PN review questions, gives students an edge on learning fundamentals. Concept maps give a visual example of concepts addressed in the text, help you visualize difficult material.

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