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Diagnostic Imaging Of Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Hb 2023) at Meripustak

Diagnostic Imaging Of Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Hb 2023) by Lu P X , Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lu P X
    Publish YearFebruary 2024


    Springer Diagnostic Imaging Of Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Hb 2023) by Lu P X

    Tuberculosis is among the top 10 causes of death worldwide.The WHO clearly proposed that drug-resistant tuberculosis is one of the three major challenge in tuberculosis prevention and control .The book consists of detection of drug-resistant TB and its epidemics, laboratory examination for drug-resistant tubercle bacillus, pathogenic mechanism of drug-resistant TB and its diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and prognosis of drug-resistant pulmonary TB. This book also focuses on the information of classic cases of drug-resistant TB, including mono-drug-resistant (including Rifampicin resistance, etc.), multidrug-resistant, poly-drug-resistant, extensive-drug-resistant (pre-extensive-drug-resistant), drug-resistant bronchial TB, and pediatric drug-resistant, as well as AIDS complicated with drug-resistant TB, and diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant cervical TB lymphadenitis. The book also provided a comprehensive description and in-depth analysis for each selected case and a systematic explanation for latest cutting-edge issues, such as dynamic changes in images during the treatment of drug-resistant TB as well as the research and application of artificial intelligence in diagnosing drug-resistant TB, to further inspire our readers. This is a useful book to refer to for respiratory physicians, radiologists, and clinicians in preventive medicine, as well as government officials working in health policies.

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