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Disaster And Development An Occupational Perspective at Meripustak

Disaster And Development An Occupational Perspective by Rushford N, Elsevier Science

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Rushford N
    PublisherElsevier Science
    Publish YearApril 2015


    Elsevier Science Disaster And Development An Occupational Perspective by Rushford N

    Disasters are confronting communities across the globe on a scale and intensity not previously witnessed. Following devastating earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand, Haiti, China, Indonesia and Pakistan, hurricanes in the Philippines and USA, floods in Bangladesh, the Balkans and Canada, famine and droughts in Africa and Australia, and ferocious wildfires in Europe, USA and Australia, to epidemics, conflicts and terrorism unleashing indiscriminate suffering across all continents... NO ONE IS IMMUNE... BUT SOME ARE MORE VULNERABLE THAN OTHERS. Allied health workers, including occupational therapists, are seeking ways to engage in a meaningful way...as professionals...individuals...and global citizens. Disaster and Development is a ground breaking book that crosses cultures and contexts to provide a foundation for critical reflection on the role of occupation in disaster and development. Drawing upon the experiences of survivors, and of practitioners, personnel from local and international organizations, researchers and academics, an occupational perspective is illuminated with implications for policy, practice and education.

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