Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Disease & Drug Consult: Respiratory Disorders by Lippincott
"Disease & Drug Consult" is a unique new series of handbooks that combine disease monographs plus monographs on drugs used to treat diseases. Each "Disease & Drug Consult" book focuses on a specific body system and has two sections. Part 1 presents diseases alphabetically, with a description, causes & incidence, signs & symptoms, complications, diagnosis, treatment including drugs used to treat the disease and the reason for using each drug, and special considerations. Part 2, also organized alphabetically, offers complete drug monographs for each drug mentioned in the disease section. In the "Respiratory Disorders" volume, for example, the nurse can read a full description of asthma, then turn to the drug monographs for a full discussion of each of the drugs used to treat that disease.