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Diseases Of The Chest And Heat 2015-2018 at Meripustak

Diseases Of The Chest And Heat 2015-2018 by Jürg Hodler and Rahel A Kubik Huch and Gustav K von Schulthess and and 1 More, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Jürg Hodler and Rahel A Kubik Huch and Gustav K von Schulthess and and 1 More
    Publish YearMarch 2015


    Springer Diseases Of The Chest And Heat 2015-2018 by Jürg Hodler and Rahel A Kubik Huch and Gustav K von Schulthess and and 1 More

    Written by internationally renowned experts, this volume is a collection of chapters dealing with imaging diagnosis and interventional therapies in chest and heart disease. The different topics are disease-oriented and encompass all the relevant imaging modalities including X-ray technology, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and magnetic resonance, as well as image-guided interventional techniques. The book represents a condensed overview of many topics relevant in chest and heart disease and is aimed at residents in radiology as well as at experienced radiologists wishing to be updated on the current state-of-the art.

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