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Diseases & Disorders 3Rd Edition at Meripustak

Diseases & Disorders 3Rd Edition by Aschenbrenner,Berry,Berry D J ,Jarvis,Jarvis W R ,Johnson,Johnson D H ,Koval K J,Naidich,Naidich D P ,Rubin,Rubin G D ,Spiess,Spiess B D ,Springhouse,Topol E J , Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Aschenbrenner,Berry,Berry D J ,Jarvis,Jarvis W R ,Johnson,Johnson D H ,Koval K J,Naidich,Naidich D P ,Rubin,Rubin G D ,Spiess,Spiess B D ,Springhouse,Topol E J
    PublisherWolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Edition3rd Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2008


    Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Diseases & Disorders 3Rd Edition by Aschenbrenner,Berry,Berry D J ,Jarvis,Jarvis W R ,Johnson,Johnson D H ,Koval K J,Naidich,Naidich D P ,Rubin,Rubin G D ,Spiess,Spiess B D ,Springhouse,Topol E J

    The Third Edition of Diseases and Disorders: The World's Best Anatomical Charts features 70 pathology charts created by some of the world's best medical illustrators. Since our last edition we've added 14 brand new charts and 12 updated and revised charts. This reference is an essential addition to every library, whether you are a health professional, student, or interested consumer. Anatomical charts show the human body in a format that provides a clear and visual understanding of human anatomy, physiology, and diseases. Medical terminology and easy-to-understand supporting text are printed directly on each chart so you never have to refer to a separate key card or manual. Covers common diseases and disorders of the brain, heart, GI tract, endocrine system, eye and ear, muscular, skeletal, reproductive, and respiratory systems, dental diseases and cancer. See the table of contents for all chart titles.

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