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Disorders Of Thrombosis And Hemostasis In Pregnancy, 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Disorders Of Thrombosis And Hemostasis In Pregnancy, 2Nd Edition by Hannah Cohen and Patrick O Brien, Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hannah Cohen and Patrick O Brien
    Publish YearJuly 2015


    Springer Disorders Of Thrombosis And Hemostasis In Pregnancy, 2Nd Edition by Hannah Cohen and Patrick O Brien

    This comprehensive guide to disorders of thrombosis and hemostasis in pregnancy is an invaluable resource for those caring for women during pregnancy and fertility treatment, and for the neonate. It highlights the latest developments and controversial issues. The multidisciplinary approach provides authoritative clinical advice on state-of-the-art management. This updated second edition expands the scope of the first in a number of new chapters. The disorders covered are highly pertinent to successful pregnancy outcome, and many are associated with significant maternal and/or fetal morbidity, and even mortality.

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