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Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced Technologies Potentially Applicable In Personalised Treatment at Meripustak

Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced Technologies Potentially Applicable In Personalised Treatment by Coelho, Springer

Books from same Author: Coelho

Books from same Publisher: Springer

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    Publish YearMarch 2013


    Springer Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced Technologies Potentially Applicable In Personalised Treatment by Coelho

    This book is part of a series dedicated to recent advances on preventive, predictive and personalised medicine (PPPM). It focuses on the theme of “Drug delivery systems: advanced technologies potentially applicable in personalised treatments”. The critical topics involving the development and preparation of effective drug delivery systems, such as: polymers available, self-assembly, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical formulations, three dimensional structures, molecular modeling, tailor-made solutions and technological tendencies, are carefully discussed. The understanding of these areas constitutes a paramount route to establish personalised and effective solutions for specific diseases and individuals.

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