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Electronic Instrumentation For Distributed Generation And Power Processes at Meripustak

Electronic Instrumentation For Distributed Generation And Power Processes by FARRET F A, Taylor and Francis

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)FARRET F A
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearAugust 2017


    Taylor and Francis Electronic Instrumentation For Distributed Generation And Power Processes by FARRET F A

    The goal of the book is to provide basic and advanced knowledge of design, analysis, and circuit implementation for electronic instrumentation and clarify how to get the best out of the analog, digital, and computer circuitry design steps. The reader will learn the physical fundamentals guiding the electrical and mechanical devices that allow for a modern automation and control system, which are widely comprised of computers, electronic instrumentation, communication loops, smart grids, and digital circuitry. It includes practical and technical data on electronic instrumentation with respect to efficiency, maximum power, and applications. Additionally, the text discusses fuzzy logic and neural networks and how they can be used in practice for electronic instrumentation of distributed generation, smart grids, and power systems.

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