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Embedded System Design Methodologies and Issues at Meripustak

Embedded System Design Methodologies and Issues by Lawrence J Henschen And Julia C Lee, Elsevier

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Books from same Publisher: Elsevier

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lawrence J Henschen And Julia C Lee
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2024


    Elsevier Embedded System Design Methodologies and Issues by Lawrence J Henschen And Julia C Lee

    Embedded Systems Design: Methodologies and Issues presents methodologies for designing these systems and discusses major issues, both present and future, that designers must consider in bringing products with embedded processing to market. The book starts from the first step after product proposal (behavioral modeling) and goes through the steps for modeling internal operations. Specific areas of focus include methods for designing safe, reliable, and robust embedded systems. Sections cover selection of processors and related hardware as well as issues involved in designing related software. Finally, the book present issues that will occur in systems designed for the Internet of Things. This book is for junior/senior/MS students in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering who intend to take jobs in industry designing and implementing embedded systems and Internet of Things applications.Focuses on the design of embedded systems, starting from product conception through high-level modeling and up to the selection of hardware, software, and network platformsDiscusses the trade-offs of the various techniques presented so that engineers will be able to make the best choices for designs for future productsContains a section with three chapters on making designs that are reliable, robust, and safeIncludes a discussion of the two main models for the structure of the Internet of Things, as well as the issues engineers will need to take into consideration in designing future IoT applicationsUses the design of a bridge control system as a continuing example across most of the chapters in order to illustrate the differences and trade-offs of the various techniques

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