Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Emergency Management Of The Coding Patient: Cases, Algorithms, Evidence (Pb) by Senecal E L
"Emergency Management of the Coding Patient: Cases, Algorithms, Evidence" offers students, interns, and residents an understanding of the protocols and procedures surrounding hospital codes. Concise, practical, and clinically-oriented, this book covers the basics of ACLS, as well as non-cardiac codes, and, more importantly, reviews the leadership skills, knowledge, and teamwork that are critical in successfully managing these difficult situations. This innovative resource encompasses all the clinical skills required to run a hospital code, including: suggestions for how to organize a code team; review of essential equipment; case-based training in cardiac rhythm strip interpretation; algorithmic approach to running codes; administration of resuscitative medications; and, accompanying pocket card summarizing code algorithms with necessary medications (including dosages). Based around clinical scenarios, "Emergency Management of the Coding Patient" reviews the basic knowledge needed to manage codes effectively and efficiently: pathophysiology, treatment, medications, and skills.
In addition to the case scenarios that begin each chapter, the appendix of practice cases highlights key concepts and helps build confidence to manage a real coding patient. The book includes a pocket-sized laminated card summarizing the al...