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Energy Medicine East And West A Natural History Of Qi at Meripustak

Energy Medicine East And West A Natural History Of Qi by David F Mayor and Marc S Micozzi M D and PH D , ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: David F Mayor and Marc S Micozzi M D and PH D

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)David F Mayor and Marc S Micozzi M D and PH D
    Publish YearAugust 2011


    ELSEVIER Energy Medicine East And West A Natural History Of Qi by David F Mayor and Marc S Micozzi M D and PH D

    Energy Medicine East and West: A Natural History of Qi provides a unique, comprehensive overview of Qi or bioenergy for students and practitioners of energy medicines, Chinese and Oriental Medicine, and all disciplines of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. Mayor and Micozzi start with a comparative historical account of the ancient concepts of Qi and vital energy before covering theories of Qi, a discussion of the organized therapeutic modalities based upon Qi and its applications to specific health and medical conditions. Contributions are included from international experts in the field. The book moves from anatomical and bioenergetic complementarity of Western vital energy and Eastern Qi, through convergence of perspectives and models to demonstrations of how the traditional therapies are being melded together in a new, original and creative synthesis.

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