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Enhancing Patient Engagement in Pulmonary Healthcare The Art and Science 1st Editon 2020 Softbound at Meripustak

Enhancing Patient Engagement in Pulmonary Healthcare The Art and Science 1st Editon 2020 Softbound by Marilyn L. Moy, Felicity Blackstock, Linda Nici, Springer

Books from same Author: Marilyn L. Moy, Felicity Blackstock, Linda Nici

Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Marilyn L. Moy, Felicity Blackstock, Linda Nici
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearAugust 2020


    Springer Enhancing Patient Engagement in Pulmonary Healthcare The Art and Science 1st Editon 2020 Softbound by Marilyn L. Moy, Felicity Blackstock, Linda Nici

    This book examines the most up-to-date strategies that can be used to enhance the healthcare professional-patient interaction to influence positive behavior change and improve treatment adherence in pulmonary healthcare. This book is written by experts in the field who couple their experience with practical strategies (the art) with evidence-based theory (the science).Chapters discuss global concepts such as motivational interviewing on improving engagement and how to apply strategies to specific situations (for examples: smoking cessation, promoting physical activity, inhaler adherence, supplemental oxygen use, and non-invasive ventilation) commonly experienced on the front lines of caring for patients with pulmonary disorders. The textbook raises awareness of direct approaches and recent technological advances that healthcare professionals can use to support positive behavior change in their day-to-day clinical practice. Effective, patient-tailored self-management interventions are discussed, including the evidence for these interventions and ways to personalize the strategies to each patient’s unique needs.This book is an ideal guide for healthcare professionals working with patients experiencing chronic pulmonary conditions, including pulmonologists, primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurses, trainees, and the many allied health professionals involved in delivering care such as respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and behavioral psychologists. The concepts of this book can also be applied to the management of other chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. Chapter 01 Defining patient engagement, health behavior change, and disease self-management.- Chapter 02 Learning: developing knowledge through making meaning.- Chapter 03 Psychomotor skill development: learning what AND how to do.- Chapter 04 Best practice in educational design for patient learning.- Chapter 05 The impact of self-efficacy on behavior change: the roles of socio-cultural and mental health factors.- Chapter 06 Integrating motivational interviewing into pulmonary healthcare.- Chapter 07 Anxiety, depression, and using evidence-based techniques and strategies to support engagement and adherence.- Chapter 08 Technology to enhance engagement in physical activity.- Chapter 09 The role of mind-body approaches in promoting healthcare engagement and positive behavior change.- Chapter 10 Strategies to improve adherence to supplemental oxygen therapy.- Chapter 11 Self-management: personalized action plans for COPD exacerbations.- Chapter 12 Domiciliary noninvasive ventilation: strategies for improving adherence to home use.- Chapter 13 Teaching the practical skill of correct inhaler use: knowing and being able to do.- Chapter 14 Smoking cessation: breaking the strong addiction.

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