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Enterprise Information Portals And Knowledge Management at Meripustak

Enterprise Information Portals And Knowledge Management by Firestone J M, ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Firestone J M
    Publish YearAugust 2011


    ELSEVIER Enterprise Information Portals And Knowledge Management by Firestone J M

    Is the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) knowledge management's killer app? Leading expert Joseph M. Firestone, the first author to formulate the idea of the Enterprise Knowledge Portal, breaks new ground and looks to the future with a practical, but comprehensive approach to enterprise portals and their relationship to knowledge management. Providing a clear and novel overview, Firestone tackles a wide range of topics ranging from functional EIP applications, estimating costs and benefits of EIPs, variations in EIP technical architecture, the role of intelligent agents, the nature of knowledge management, portal product/solution segmentation, portal product case studies, to the future of the EIP space. 'Enterprise Information Portals and Knowledge Management' is the book on portals you've been waiting for. It is the only book that thoroughly considers, explores, and analyzes: * The EIP orientation, outlook and evolution

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