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Entrepreneurial Small Business 2023 at Meripustak

Entrepreneurial Small Business 2023 by Katz, Mc Graw Hill

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Books from same Publisher: Mc Graw Hill

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  • General Information  
    PublisherMc Graw Hill
    Edition7th Edition
    Publish YearMarch 2023


    Mc Graw Hill Entrepreneurial Small Business 2023 by Katz

    Entrepreneurial Small Business (ESB) focuses on traditional “main street” businesses versus high-growth firms dependent on venture capital. It presents the realities small business owners face and strategies for those starting or maintaining a small business. ESB combines the art of small business survival with the science of small business success, to provide students the tools and knowledge they need to go out and start their own small businesses. ESB features practical advice and experiential learning. Informed by nearly 180 journals in entrepreneurship, the authors make the best of modern wisdom easy to understand and easy to apply. With one of the largest collections of experiential learning techniques, ESB gives students the hands-on experience they need to start their small business with over 100 end-of-chapter experiential exercises, 59 skill modules, mini-cases, business model canvases and business plans.

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