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Essenteials Of Nutrition And Diet Therapy 8Th Edition by Williams S R , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Williams S R
    Edition8th Edition
    Publish YearDecember 2002


    ELSEVIER Essenteials Of Nutrition And Diet Therapy 8Th Edition by Williams S R

    This popular, well-respected text presents essential information on nutrition principles, nutrition throughout the life cycle, and an introduction to clinical nutrition. It is best known for its personal application approach and presentation of nutrition principles from basic science to application in practice. Updated with accurate, up-to-the-minute references, this eighth edition provides a condensed, comprehensive format perfect for use in nursing, dietetics, and other allied health programs. As an added value, each text contains the NUTRITRAC Nutrition Analysis CD-ROM (Version III).

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