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Essential Echocardiography A Companion To Braunwalds Heart Disease at Meripustak

Essential Echocardiography A Companion To Braunwalds Heart Disease by Scott Solomon and Justina Wu and Linda Gillam , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Scott Solomon and Justina Wu and Linda Gillam
    Publish YearApril 2018


    ELSEVIER Essential Echocardiography A Companion To Braunwalds Heart Disease by Scott Solomon and Justina Wu and Linda Gillam

    Echocardiography remains the most commonly used imaging technique to visualize the heart and great vessels, and this clinically oriented text by Drs. Scott D. Solomon, Justina C. Wu, and Linda D. Gillam helps you make the most of its diagnostic and prognostic potential for your patients. Part of the highly regarded Braunwald's family of cardiology references, Essential Echocardiography expertly covers basic principles of anatomy and physiology, the appearance of normal variants across a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, and the hands-on approaches necessary to acquire and interpret optimal echocardiographic images in the clinical setting. Abundant illustrations provide a superb visual learning experience both in print and online. Images convey clear, classic examples that represent decades of experience over multiple institutions, as well as recent advances .

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