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Essentials Of Inorganic Chemistry For Students Of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences And Medicinal Chemistry at Meripustak

Essentials Of Inorganic Chemistry For Students Of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences And Medicinal Chemistry by Strohfeldt K A, John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Strohfeldt K A
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Publish YearFebruary 2015


    John Wiley Essentials Of Inorganic Chemistry For Students Of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences And Medicinal Chemistry by Strohfeldt K A

    A comprehensive introduction to inorganic chemistry and, specifically, the science of metal–based drugs, Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry describes the basics of inorganic chemistry, including organometallic chemistry and radiochemistry, from a pharmaceutical perspective. Written for students of pharmacy and pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, medicinal chemistry and other health–care related subjects, this accessible text introduces chemical principles with relevant pharmaceutical examples rather than as stand–alone concepts, allowing students to see the relevance of this subject for their future professions. It includes exercises and case studies.

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