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Explosion Protection at Meripustak

Explosion Protection by Groh G, ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Groh G

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Groh G
    Publish YearMarch 2004


    ELSEVIER Explosion Protection by Groh G

    This book makes Hazardous or Electrical Area Classification simple. In plants processing flammable materials, every effort is made to avoid the escape of such materials and in addition, stringent measures are taken to exclude sources of ignition. A complex array of standards surround this topic which has lead to an overly conservative approach being taken. This type of approach means that much more expensive electrical apparatus than is necessary is installed. To avoid this unnecessary expenditure, Dr Groh clearly explains the relevant standards, so that accurate assessment of the risks associated with hazardous areas is possible. He also identifies possible ignition sources and methods of designing apparatus which do not cause sparks thereby maintaining safety.

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