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Fabrication, Structure And Reactivity Of Anchored Nanoparticles: Faraday Discussions No. 162 at Meripustak

Fabrication, Structure And Reactivity Of Anchored Nanoparticles: Faraday Discussions No. 162 by Rsc, Rsc Publishing

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  • General Information  
    PublisherRsc Publishing
    Publish YearJuly 2013


    Rsc Publishing Fabrication, Structure And Reactivity Of Anchored Nanoparticles: Faraday Discussions No. 162 by Rsc

    The last ten years have seen dramatic developments in our understanding of the surface science of nanoparticles grown on solid surfaces. These developments are continuing apace, not least in our understanding of nanoparticle structures at the atomic scale. Well-defined materials can now be prepared and the detailed nature of reactions at the atomic and molecular scale are emerging. Ensemble-averaging techniques are being combined with local, atomically-resolving probes such as STM, exposing such materials to scientific understanding, especially regarding local morphology and its effect on reactivity and catalysis. The book covers important aspects of these areas as well as outlining current developments including in-situ measurements of catalytic reactivity at high pressure and temperature.

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