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Fifth Generation Management 2Nd Edition by Savage C, ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Savage C
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearApril 1996


    ELSEVIER Fifth Generation Management 2Nd Edition by Savage C

    This revised edition of "Fifth Generation Management" helps executives out of the rigid mindsets of the Industrial Era into the vibrant and invigorating possibilities of co-creation in the Knowledge Era. Divided into two parts, the first completely rewritten section narrates 'Five Days that Changed the Enterprise', a case study of senior executives who are forced out of their cozy little empires into a new network organization of their own design. The second part discusses the process of co-creating through virtual enterprising, dynamic teaming, and knowledge networking. Included is essential new information on fractal enterprises, holonic management systems, agile enterprises, and hypertext organizations. Charles Savage is president of Knowledge Era Enterprises, Inc and was formerly in the consultant division of Digital Equipment Corporation. He presents 'Master Classes' on dynamic teaming and virtual enterprising and has written extensively on the knowledge era. His company's logo is a key with the phrase 'Unlocking the Future'. Charles Savage assists companies around the world to achieve that goal. The previous edition was awarded 'Book of the Year' by Tom Peters. This book covers lessons learned over the last five years since "Fifth Generation Management" was first published.

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