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Fingerprint Analysis Laboratory Workbook at Meripustak

Fingerprint Analysis Laboratory Workbook by Daluz H M, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: Daluz H M

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Daluz H M
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearDecember 2014


    Taylor and Francis Fingerprint Analysis Laboratory Workbook by Daluz H M

    Fingerprint analysis may be performed as part of many jobs, including crime scene technician, latent print examiner, criminalist, latent print technician, forensic specialist, and forensic scientist. Regardless of one’s specific discipline, a background knowledge of scientific practices in handling and analyzing fingerprint evidence is critical for success. The best way to comprehend the principles and concepts of any science learned in a classroom is to perform experiments. The exercises in Fingerprint Analysis Laboratory Workbook address all aspects of fingerprint theory, investigation, processing, comparisons, and research. Designed specifically to parallel the Fundamentals of Fingerprint Analysis textbook, the laboratory exercises correspond with the textbook chapters, with each exercise in the lab chapter putting into practice the concepts covered in the text chapter. Each lab follows the same format, starting with the objectives of the experiment and background information needed before performing the experiment. This is followed by a list of required materials, the lab exercises, and post-lab questions for students to test their assimilation of what they’ve learned. Many of the laboratory exercises may be completed either at home or in a laboratory setting. Exercises and photographs enhance the text, making it an ideal hands-on learning tool.

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