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Flow Cytometry In Neoplastic Hematology Morphologic Immunophenotypic Correlation 3Th Edition at Meripustak

Flow Cytometry In Neoplastic Hematology Morphologic Immunophenotypic Correlation 3Th Edition by GORCZYCA W , Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)GORCZYCA W
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Edition3rd Edition
    Publish YearOctober 2017


    Taylor and Francis Flow Cytometry In Neoplastic Hematology Morphologic Immunophenotypic Correlation 3Th Edition by GORCZYCA W

    This third edition is the product of the author's 25 years of experience with flow cytometry; although it covers the wide spectrum of hematopoietic tumors, the focus remains on most important clinical diagnoses, such as acute promyelocytic leukemia, identification of blasts, identification of clonal B-cell population, differentiating mature versus immature T-cell proliferations, deferential diagnosis between hematogones and B-ALL or distinction between chronic and acute monocytic proliferations. All hematopathologists and neoplastic hematologists will find this an important resource for keeping up to date with developments in clinical practice.

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