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Food Safety Management Programs Applications Best Practices And Compliance at Meripustak

Food Safety Management Programs Applications Best Practices And Compliance by Newslow, Taylor and Francis

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearDecember 2013


    Taylor and Francis Food Safety Management Programs Applications Best Practices And Compliance by Newslow

    The safety of food products is fundamental. The value of an effective and well-defined, -implemented, and -maintained management system is priceless. When it is integrated into a process, it supplies the necessary foundation and structure to help provide the consumer with a safe product of the highest quality. Food Safety Management Programs: Applications, Best Practices, and Compliance presents the insight and shared experiences that can be applied to the development, implementation, and maintenance of an effective food safety management system. The text supplies useful tools that can be applied according to the particular needs of an operation, adding value to its processes and aiding in the establishment of a successful management-based food safety system. The author also encourages the development of a quality management system. The text begins by summarizing Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) food safety schemes (eight as of the writing of this text). These include FSSC 22000, Safe Quality Food Code (SQF), British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Food Safety (BRC), International Featured Standards (IFS), Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) Seafood Processing Standard, Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS), CanadaGAP, and PrimusGFS. It also lists websites for additional information and updates. Although this text focuses on food safety management systems (FSMS), it also includes references to ISO 9001, along with the quality requirements of some of the food safety management standards. It offers information that can be applied to whichever standard is chosen by an organization. With insights from experts in a variety of food industry-related sectors, the text explains the requirements of the standards, methods for their integration, and the process for identifying and addressing gaps in a manner that is both compliant and beneficial for the organization. The book provides experience-based information that can be integrated into any operation, which is essential for the development of an efficient, value-added, and sustainable management system.

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